To the Parents of the Louder Girl

She's determined to succeed—here's how you can help her.

She’s Confident She Can Do Anything She Sets Her Mind To—But Do You Ever Wish She Wasn’t So Loud About It?

You know her determination will serve her well someday. But right now, it can feel like you’re the one being pushed around by her demands.

First, it’s helpful to remember that every child moves through the world uniquely. Some children are animated and social, while others are reserved and mindful. In The Child Whisperer, I call these four natural ways of being the 4 Types of children.

Let’s focus on the Determined Type 3 girl, who’s often seen as loud and assertive.

Type 3 girls have a natural “push forward” energy in the way they talk, play, and approach life. They’re physically engaged with the world and love hands-on activities where they can figure things out on the go. Her confidence and leadership can sometimes be misjudged as “pushy” or “intense.” Instead of seeing these traits as negatives, here are some ways to help her channel them into strengths.

1. Don’t Shush Her

She is not trying to be loud. In fact, she doesn’t even think she is loud! She just speaks and moves at a volume that feels natural to her. Shushing sends a shaming message that she is “too much” and that she needs to modify herself to please others.

It’s an old, cultural belief that all girls must be quiet, soft, and not take up too much space. Your Type 3 daughter will naturally be the opposite!

TIP: If her natural volume is not suited for a particular situation, teach her how to choose different volumes in an honoring way. For example: “Sweetheart, it’s appropriate to talk with this volume in this situation.” On occasion, join her in her enthusiasm and match her passion, so she feels honored for meeting life with her big energy.

2. Support Her in the Challenges She Wants to Pursue

Your Type 3 daughter wants to go after things and explore new experiences. She doesn’t always think things through first, but she is really good at thinking fast on her feet. She loves a challenge but can become insecure when she is questioned by others.

As a Type 3 woman myself, I know about this firsthand. Growing up, I shared my ideas passionately and was told to calm down and be careful. This caused me to feel conflicted. As I became a teenager, I was unsure of how to be myself and ended up just trying to be someone who would simply be accepted.

TIP: Let her find her way of moving forward, even though she may not always have a plan. She will surprise you at how well things can turn out. At times they won’t, but that is how she learns. Her determined nature can handle it! 

3. Recognize and Honor Her Tender Side

All little girls want to be treated with tenderness at times, even the louder girl. She has a tendency to be pretty rough on herself, and tenderness is a trait that will help balance her energy and teaches her how to be tender with herself.

A tender touch, a note expressing some tender thoughts, and speaking to her with a tender voice all support her in honoring her feminine nature and emotional self.

TIP: Don’t call her a “tomboy.” She is a girl with a strong, physical, and determined energy. Being called anything that has the word “boy” in it negates her true feminine nature.

4. Get Behind Her Big Ideas

Your Type 3 daughter may have ideas that seem grand or even unrealistic. But to her, they just feel “right.” These big ideas could lead to passions and pursuits that fit her determined Type 3 nature perfectly.

If you’re frequently saying “no” to her ideas, she may stop coming to you altogether. But at some point, she may stop coming to you to share her ideas, as she does not want to be stopped by your “no”, and she will just find a way to pursue them on her own.

TIP: Support her in going after her goals! Instead of saying “no” to something, jump in and help her with what she’s pursuing. She’ll be more open to feedback when she’s in motion than when you’ve stopped her completely.

5. Give Her Plenty of Physical Outlets

She has a physical connection to the world and naturally wants hands-on experiences. With so much big energy naturally available, she needs a healthy outlet.

If she’s feeling stifled or has been told “no” too many times, that energy could build up and start to manifest into behavior problems or physical ailments. Your Type 3 daughter won’t sit still or get quieter just because you tell her to—she needs to move first and expend all that energy!

TIP: Give her plenty of physical experiences to support her determined energy.  She’ll do great with physical challenges that engage her natural ability to accomplish something with confidence. Watch her energy balance the more she gets physical outlets to enjoy!

I’ve often said that if I wrote The Child Whisperer for no other reason than to help the Type 3 little girls of the world know and love themselves, I have done a good thing.

Are you parenting a Type 3 daughter? If so, go back and review the Type 3 section in The Child Whisperer book from time to time. If you don’t know which Type of child you’re parenting, pick up a copy of The Child Whisperer. You’ll learn how to read your child more clearly and create more cooperation and happiness in your home.

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